By Anika in Guest Blogs on 25. Apr, 2013No Comments
Understand the Demographics and Geography of the Export Market I remember that night in Sao Paulo, I felt on top of the world, this was a personal accomplishment, a small boy who grew up in the islands of Trinidad and Tobago now here as an Export Salesperson on the eve of conquering Brazil. As I […]
By Anika in Business opportunities, Export on 09. Apr, 20131 Comment
Not only the economy but also the internet usage across Latin America is booming. Currently there are more than 235 million internet users in the continent. Internet is not only popular because of its social function but also as a marketplace. Latin America is an interesting market for e-commerce. E-commerce does not stand by itself. […]
By Anika in Español on 26. Mar, 2013No Comments
“Encuentro entre Europa y las Américas” es una conferencia de negocios de 3 días en que las empresas, expertos en comercio internacional, los políticos y los capitanes de industria de Europa (principalmente los Países Bajos), América Latina y Aruba se reunirán en Aruba el 6, 7 y 8 de mayo del 2013. Esta conferencia ofrece […]
By Anika in Guest Blogs on 18. Feb, 2013No Comments
Make sure your Agent has adequate cash flow to finance the business I still remember my choice of agent in this caribbean island. He was short, plump and jolly with an ample belly and an infectious smile, now that I think of it, a sort of Santa Claus type. He was very knowledgeable of the […]
By Anika in Guest Blogs on 10. Dec, 2012No Comments
Focus on Word of Mouth Marketing but be careful of Language and Culture differences As a small business exporter you must focus on using Word of Mouth Marketing and Guerilla Marketing. Typical marketing using television, radio and press is too expensive for small businesses, especially in a foreign market. As a small business marketer you […]