
The entrance to the Aruba Free Zone


The standard warehouses at the Bushiri Free Zone are on average 300 square meters (3,200 square feet). The floor to ceiling height is 5.5 meters (17 feet) measuring from the lowest point and 71/2 meters (19 feet) measuring from the highest point.

The units are suitable for storage of goods or for industrial activities and can be rented on a yearly basis. All units have standard utilities such as electricity, water and toilet facilities.

For more information, please contact us.

Office spaces

The office spaces at Bushiri Free Zone are different sizes and convenient for all types of service-oriented business activities. The units may also serve as showroom spaces.

Office space at Aruba Free Zone
The office spaces are ready-to-use facilities, with:

  • air conditioning
  • carpets
  • blinds
  • standard telephone/fax/small network lines installed
  • alarm monitoring access doors
  • intercom system

Tenants have the opportunity to make use of general areas such as bathrooms and kitchenette.

If you would like to know more about our office spaces, then please contact us.

Own Facilities

We offer possibilities for free zone companies wishing to construct their own facility.

Please contact us to discuss the possibilities.

Lease land for construction

At Barcadera Free Zone there are ready-to-build sites available for business activities that require custom-made buildings. The Barcadera area is roughly divided into three sections: Industrial and Technology zone, International Trade zone and Global Services zone.

Acquiring the right of long-lease land for the construction of buildings at Barcadera Free Zone goes through the Department of Infrastructure and Planning (DIP).

Please contact us for more information concerning the acquisition of the right of lease land. More information is available in the following downloadable document:

>Option Requirements on Domain Land (English translation – PDF 290KB)
>Optie ten behoeve van projecten voor commerciële, toeristische en industriële doeleinden (Dutch version – PDF 164KB)

    Received Cash Payments Form

    Part I: Identity of individual from whom the cash was received


    If more than one individual is involved, please complete the information on additional forms for the other individuals

    Part II: Person/Business on whose behalf this transaction was conducted

    Part III: Description of transaction and method of payment

    receive a copy.

    Print Form


      Declaration Form Freezone Facility Charge

      Company name*

      Account no.

      License no.

      Fill in corresponding month*

      The undersigned declares that total turnover 1 over the month of

      Fill in amount and indicate currency by checking appropriate box*

      Amounted to $Afl

      Fill in amount and indicate currency by checking appropriate box*

      The undersigned further declares to have paid Freezone Facility Charge in the amount of $Afl

      Fill in amount and indicate currency by checking appropriate box*

      The undersigned further declares to have paid BAZV2 in the amount of $Afl

      Indicate payment method by checking appropiate box(es)

      Payment was made in favor of Free Zone Aruba (FZA) NV by
      ChequeCash (only amounts under Afl. 1000,-)AB # 4002851CMB # 21208905

      By submitting this form I declare to be authorized to provide this specific information and that the information provided is complete and correct. Free Zone Aruba (FZA) NV accepts this electronically submitted form as if it was a signed hard copy, and retains the right to request hard copies of the submitted forms.



      Email: * receive a copy.


      Print Form

      (1) Turnover refers to total value of sales of merchandise, cash or credit in the reported period, whether from export or sales to the local market, as well as the value of sales of merchandise or goods processed on behalf or third parties and the value of all services rendered, including management fees, lease income, etc.
      The turnover is the basis for calculating the FFC. (2) The BAZV (health levy) equals 2% of the total Freezone Facility Charge amount.


      This contact form is available only for logged in users.


        Received Cash Payments Form

        Part I: Identity of individual from whom the cash was received


        If more than one individual is involved, please complete the information on additional forms for the other individuals

        Part II: Person/Business on whose behalf this transaction was conducted

        Part III: Description of transaction and method of payment

        receive a copy.

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          Reciba nuestro Paquete de Información Gratis

          Ingrese sus datos y le enviaremos un email con el link al brochure.
