Industry and Technology | Free Zone Aruba

Industry and Technology

Processing and recycling factory in Aruba

The Free Zone offers many opportunities for companies in the field of industry and (green) technology.

Some examples of popular free zone activities include:

  • Processing and packaging
  • Repair and maintenance
  • Refurbishing
  • Showcasing

Industry and technology based companies operating in the Free Zone do not incur any import duties on packing materials, raw materials, semi-manufactured products and components used in the production process. In some cases, construction materials may be brought in duty free.

Green Technology

The macroeconomic policy of the Government of Aruba is strongly focused on attracting, developing and implementing Green Technology. Several renowned institutions have set up facilities on the island to make use of the Green Gateway.

The government of Aruba has implemented special benefits for companies operating in the field of Green Technology. Please contact us for more information.

Some examples of popular free zone activities include:

  • Recycling
  • Showcasing
  • Research and development
  • Green energy
  • Sustainable aquaculture and agriculture

A successful example of Green Technology in the Free Zone of Aruba is the modern recycling facility combined with waste to energy technology. The energy is sold to the local utility company and other recyclable products are extracted and sold on the international market. The facility can also be used as a showcase for the sale of the technology.

If you would like to receive more information or discuss your business ideas, please contact us.