By in Free Zone Aruba News on 25. Nov, 2014No Comments

Aruba Ports Authority (APA) and Curacao Ports Authority (CPA) recently signed an MOU. Both companies are going to work together in different areas to support the economic development of Aruba and Curacao. Economic growth for the communities and business is the main reason for signing the MOU. Information exchange between both ports authorities and regional […]

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By in Business opportunities, Free Zone Aruba News on 18. Nov, 2014No Comments

As of January 14, 2015 InselAir will initiate two weekly direct flights to Manaus, Brazil. Manaus, Brazil’s largest city in the Amazon rain forest is InselAir’s 20th destination. Passengers from other destinations can travel via Aruba to this new destination with a minimum transfer time. Manaus a unique Brazilian city that became famous for its […]

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By in Free Zone Aruba News, Members on 14. Nov, 2014No Comments

Minister Plenipotentiary of Aruba in the Netherlands, Mr. Alfonso Boekhoudt signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on behalf of Finance Minister Angel Bermudez in Berlin, Germany. This MOU is signed along with 50 other countries, including Colombia, Brazil, the United States and the Netherlands to automate exchange of tax information. The MOU was signed during […]

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By in Business opportunities, Free Zone Aruba News, Members on 06. Nov, 2014No Comments

American Airlines announced its third daily flight to Aruba. Currently American airlines provides two daily flights from Aruba to Miami. Starting November 6, 2014 a third flight will be added. The B737-800 aircraft will be used and can accommodate 154 passengers. One flight will depart in the morning and two in the afternoon. This extra flight […]

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    Received Cash Payments Form

    Part I: Identity of individual from whom the cash was received


    If more than one individual is involved, please complete the information on additional forms for the other individuals

    Part II: Person/Business on whose behalf this transaction was conducted

    Part III: Description of transaction and method of payment

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    Print Form


      Declaration Form Freezone Facility Charge

      Company name*

      Account no.

      License no.

      Fill in corresponding month*

      The undersigned declares that total turnover 1 over the month of

      Fill in amount and indicate currency by checking appropriate box*

      Amounted to $Afl

      Fill in amount and indicate currency by checking appropriate box*

      The undersigned further declares to have paid Freezone Facility Charge in the amount of $Afl

      Fill in amount and indicate currency by checking appropriate box*

      The undersigned further declares to have paid BAZV2 in the amount of $Afl

      Indicate payment method by checking appropiate box(es)

      Payment was made in favor of Free Zone Aruba (FZA) NV by
      ChequeCash (only amounts under Afl. 1000,-)AB # 4002851CMB # 21208905

      By submitting this form I declare to be authorized to provide this specific information and that the information provided is complete and correct. Free Zone Aruba (FZA) NV accepts this electronically submitted form as if it was a signed hard copy, and retains the right to request hard copies of the submitted forms.



      Email: * receive a copy.


      Print Form

      (1) Turnover refers to total value of sales of merchandise, cash or credit in the reported period, whether from export or sales to the local market, as well as the value of sales of merchandise or goods processed on behalf or third parties and the value of all services rendered, including management fees, lease income, etc.
      The turnover is the basis for calculating the FFC. (2) The BAZV (health levy) equals 2% of the total Freezone Facility Charge amount.


      This contact form is available only for logged in users.


        Received Cash Payments Form

        Part I: Identity of individual from whom the cash was received


        If more than one individual is involved, please complete the information on additional forms for the other individuals

        Part II: Person/Business on whose behalf this transaction was conducted

        Part III: Description of transaction and method of payment

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